26th Sep 2022

Build a Sustainable Business and Join the Green Economy

Ecopreneurs in Alaska are building tomorrow's green economy by creating sustainable business niches, developing unique ways to tap into the market and re-balancing traditional economics with care for the environment. Green business plans articulate a vision and mission to meet sustainable social, environmental, and financial goals — the triple bottom line. Successful ecopreneurs live their sustainability values and inspire their customers and investors. This article highlights a few ideas to help you build a sustainable business and marketing plan and establish your position in the growing green market.

Embed Environmental Integrity in the Core of Your Business

Placing sustainability values at the heart of your business builds your credibility in the market. A green company turns an environmental lens on every operation, every initiative, and every business practice, from accounting to customer relations to product development and transportation. Truly sustainable businesses often enjoy a premium and a competitive advantage in the marketplace and are rewarded by savvy consumers with greater loyalty and respect.

Your business plan addresses how you serve your current customers and how you'll reach new markets. Even small details matter. For example, are you using recycled paper and biodegradable inks in traditional advertising? Are your digital marketing materials and methods sustainable?

Free online tools facilitate document sharing and editing. One idea is to use a PDF editor such as Adobe or Canva's PDF Editor for marketing materials and business documents. Make changes to files online and download and share digitally to reduce printing costs. Co-marketing initiatives and events with other Willow green businesses lead to greater consumer awareness, stronger brand identity, and increased market differentiation.

Customer relationship management is a growing part of sustainable businesses. Take advantage of the expanding pool of green consumer expertise out there. Listen to your customers to learn how they really feel and think about your company and adjust your planning and marketing to benefit from their green perspectives.

Incorporate Sustainability into Your Business Structure

Large and established companies sometimes struggle with the challenges of environmental sustainability and building sustainable organizations. A new sustainable small business enterprise is lean and agile and builds sustainability principles into its DNA from the very beginning.

An ecopreneurial business brand is an asset to be protected and celebrated. Recognize sustainability values and practices and develop strong community partnerships to give back to the community. Strengthen your public commitment to green accountability methods with transparency and regular updates. Be on the lookout for innovative ways to adapt and continually improve your sustainable business practices and governance models.

Join the Green Economy

Sustainable small business start-ups are building the green economy of the future. Sustainability encompasses your business values, niche, structure, and practices; it extends beyond to stimulate green leadership and community engagement. Visit Greatland Laser to learn about our unique safety and rescue products.